The saga continues...
[cloning kit] | Wired 11.01
[sleep pills] | Wired 11.02
[skycleaners] | Wired 11.03
[tooth strips] | Wired 11.04
[victimless cuisine] | Wired 11.05
[greeting cards] | Wired 11.06
[warrior toy] | Wired 11.07
[biotic forecast] | Wired 11.08
[sunscreen] | Wired 11.09
[face-recognising shades] | Wired 11.10
[robot dog] | Wired 11.11
[compatibility test kit] | Wired 11.12
Also, a special report about the "Wi-Fi Revolution", accompanying the May issue, featured a back page segment similar to "Found", called "Fast Forward":

[Back to the 02002 collection | On to 02004...]

Also, a special report about the "Wi-Fi Revolution", accompanying the May issue, featured a back page segment similar to "Found", called "Fast Forward":

[wi-fi bill] | Unwired supplement to 11.05
[Back to the 02002 collection | On to 02004...]
Did Wired ever have this feature prior to 2003?
Yes, 'Found' began in '02 -- link added above.
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